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Thinking of Retirement? Do a Trial Run First.
Posted: September 17, 2012
The nation’s largest generation is facing a decision of what to do with their retirement future. Many of those are at risk financially for they are weighed down by debt. There is no question that they need to work off this debt before they retire otherwise they could easily deplete their nest egg significantly. Many financial planners are urging these Baby Boomers to...
Choosing a New Car: Considering Electric?
Posted: September 11, 2012
If you’re in the market for a new car, like any auto you want to look at the both the advantages and the disadvantages as well as the long term savings. The biggest advantage of an electric car is that it doesn’t produce the pollution that is associated with a gas-fueled car. However, there are still environmental costs involved. The electricity for these cars is...
Tips on Insuring Your College Student
Posted: September 4, 2012
College students and parents alike are overwhelmed with the cost of tuition, books and settling into the new life at the dorms. But there are other concerns that could drive the already considerable costs through the roof. Issues such as stolen property, a car wreck as well as an injury or illness, all need to be addressed. Auto Insurance If your student...
What You Can Do To Make Your Kids’ College Life a Healthy One.
Posted: August 30, 2012
In preparation to the big day, parents are choosing out new bed linens and shopping for the basic necessities for on-campus living. But, it’s also a time to prepare for their physical and mental health as well. For many young adults, this is their first time living away from home for any length of time and it can be a hard transition. Most students will...
Data Breaches: Is Your Personal or Business Information Safe?
Posted: August 20, 2012
Last week’s security breach of a prominent technology journalist, Mat Honan, has raised heightened concerns for small and large businesses alike. Mat’s digital life was devastated when his Amazon, Apple, Google and Twitter accounts were hacked by simple means of trickery. The hackers were able to ploy an Amazon representative into revealing the last four digits of his credit card number over the phone. Therefore,...