Helmets Save Lives, Consider Wearing Them
Posted: February 26, 2013
A little more than half of the U.S. has a universal helmet law and it’s becoming a growing public health concern. The reality is that 4,500 people were motorcycle fatalities last year and of those fatalities, 41% of the motorcycle operators and 50% of the passengers were not wearing a helmet. Those numbers are staggering. The good news is that helmets are estimated to prevent approximately...
Does Your Homeowners' Insurance Cover Christmas Hazards?
Posted: November 30, 2012
Christmas season is such an enjoyable time of year with the hustle and bustle of gift shopping and house gatherings with friends and family that with all the hectic schedules is it easy to overlook the smallest detail that can lead to a disaster. According to Safety at Home, the Christmas season brings in a dramatic rise in the numbers of fires and accidents that occur in...
Halloween: Ensuring Your Teen’s Safety
Posted: October 24, 2012
The evening of Halloween poses a whole different set of the fears for parents then the typical gruesome mask knocking at the front door. It’s a time when teenagers start to voice their independence and wanting to trick-or-treat with their friends without any adult supervision. I must tell you that as a parent of a teenager, when I was approached with this dilemma, the image...
U.S. Biggest Health Risk: Even The Military Is Getting Involved.
Posted: September 28, 2012
United States biggest health risk today has nothing to do with infectious diseases, germ warfare or an illness of any kind. It’s childhood obesity, believe it or not. Obesity now affects 17% of all children and adolescents in the United States and those numbers are triple the rate from one generation ago. In a 2012 study from the American Heart Association has indicated that the...
Tips on Insuring Your College Student
Posted: September 4, 2012
College students and parents alike are overwhelmed with the cost of tuition, books and settling into the new life at the dorms. But there are other concerns that could drive the already considerable costs through the roof. Issues such as stolen property, a car wreck as well as an injury or illness, all need to be addressed. Auto Insurance If your student...