Good News for Rhode Island Auto Owners: New Competitive Insurance Rates Are Now Available To YOU!
Posted: March 1, 2012
We are pleased to announce that for all Rhode Island auto owners that we are able to offer attractive new rates through one of our insurance carriers. Here is what we can offer to you from the latest Auto product: Â Good Student Discount - This new discount is for youthful drivers who are on their parents' policy and they maintain a 3.0 grade point...
Renters/Apartment Insurance, For As Little As $10 A Month, How Can You Afford NOT To Have It?!?
Posted: January 17, 2012
In the wake of our area’s most recent devastation, three multi-family homes were leveled and numerous families lost everything they owned in the fire. As the generous contributions continue to pour in to help rebuild their lives, additionally insurance payouts would have provisioned them with a place to stay, their meals eating out and replacement of their personal property. Many renters don’t buy renters...
Who Are Better Drivers, Men or Women? What's your opinion?
Posted: January 12, 2012
It is official ladies! We rule the road! A recent study was done by an analytics company called Quality Planning, who gathers statistics for policyholder information. They wanted to determine which gender was the better driver. They ran comparisons using records from traffic violations, accidents and insurance price statistics. The results came back that a whopping 80% of all car accidents that were either fatal...
Want To Know Where You Can Save On Your Auto & Home Insurance?
Posted: January 10, 2012
One Answer.. Your local independent insurance agent. Period. It’s the convenience, the reassurance and the service that will make it all worth your while and here’s why. One stop-shopping for competitive rates. Most insurance agencies will have multiple carriers. This will allow them to do competitive ratings on your policies. Your time is money. All the shopping for a better price is done...