Traveling? Here Are Some Great Apps To Manage Your Itinerary
Posted: November 13, 2012
Ok, so you’ve booked your flight, your hotel then finally your car rental. Between confirmation, verification and reservation numbers, then you have traveling times, pickup times and check-in times, it’s a wonder you need a vacation. But hold on, if you are like most people who own a mobile phone, there is an app for managing your entire travel itinerary. Actually, there are several itinerary...
How To Protect Yourself From Debit Card Fraud?
Posted: November 6, 2012
As the biggest shopping event of the year grows nearer, Black Friday, data thieves will be out to steal personal data by tampering with checkout machines in department stores, supermarkets, gas stations and even doctors’ offices. Their main target is debit card account numbers and PINs. Technology may make purchasing easier and faster than ever before, but it definitely is also making it easier for...
Halloween: Ensuring Your Teen’s Safety
Posted: October 24, 2012
The evening of Halloween poses a whole different set of the fears for parents then the typical gruesome mask knocking at the front door. It’s a time when teenagers start to voice their independence and wanting to trick-or-treat with their friends without any adult supervision. I must tell you that as a parent of a teenager, when I was approached with this dilemma, the image...
Insurance. Is It a Cure For Paranoia?
Posted: October 18, 2012
As I sat and watched the evening news, a news break appeared informing the public that an earthquake that just occurred in our neighborhood region of Boston and southern Maine and New Hampshire areas. After hearing that, I had thought to myself that my home insurance doesn’t have coverage for earthquakes. Then again, why should it have for we’ve never had earthquakes in the area...
Good Grades? That May Save You $$ On Your Next Insurance Bill
Posted: October 15, 2012
Listing your teenager driver on your auto insurance policy more than likely has you paying a higher rate for your inexperienced operator. Is your teenager a good student? What if I told you that you may be eligible for a good student discount on that policy? The good news is that it could save you up to 15% on your bill. There are two...