Home Assurance: As Cold Weather Grows Near, Winter Maintenance Will Be Needed
Posted: December 6, 2012
Heating systems, fireplaces, wood stoves, roofs, gutters and downspouts are all things that need to be considered as a part of regular winter maintenance regime. Taking the time to be sure that these are all in working order before the onset of the winter months will eliminate any potential freeze ups and/or damage done to your home. Heating Systems: Have...
Does Your Homeowners' Insurance Cover Christmas Hazards?
Posted: November 30, 2012
Christmas season is such an enjoyable time of year with the hustle and bustle of gift shopping and house gatherings with friends and family that with all the hectic schedules is it easy to overlook the smallest detail that can lead to a disaster. According to Safety at Home, the Christmas season brings in a dramatic rise in the numbers of fires and accidents that occur in...
How To Protect Yourself From Debit Card Fraud?
Posted: November 6, 2012
As the biggest shopping event of the year grows nearer, Black Friday, data thieves will be out to steal personal data by tampering with checkout machines in department stores, supermarkets, gas stations and even doctors’ offices. Their main target is debit card account numbers and PINs. Technology may make purchasing easier and faster than ever before, but it definitely is also making it easier for...
Insurance. Is It a Cure For Paranoia?
Posted: October 18, 2012
As I sat and watched the evening news, a news break appeared informing the public that an earthquake that just occurred in our neighborhood region of Boston and southern Maine and New Hampshire areas. After hearing that, I had thought to myself that my home insurance doesn’t have coverage for earthquakes. Then again, why should it have for we’ve never had earthquakes in the area...
Tips on Insuring Your College Student
Posted: September 4, 2012
College students and parents alike are overwhelmed with the cost of tuition, books and settling into the new life at the dorms. But there are other concerns that could drive the already considerable costs through the roof. Issues such as stolen property, a car wreck as well as an injury or illness, all need to be addressed. Auto Insurance If your student...